BMW S 1000 R Service Pricing


BMW S 1000 R Service Pricing

SKU: S1000R Service Pricing, prices start from Category: Brand: Other Brand:


BMW S 1000 R Service Pricing

Maddocks carry out all services in accordance with BMW’s recommended schedules and time scales & use ONLY Genuine BMW parts and recommended oils.

What’s done on a 10000km Service ?

Generally BMW Recommend that we change the oil & oil filter, check valve clearances, Balance injectors, check brake lines & brake fluids, pads & disk wear, check throttle cable, tyre thread depth & pressure, grease and check Sidestand, check lights & signals for roadworthiness


What’s done on a 20000km Service ?

Everything that’s done on a 10000km PLUS Check spark plugs, replace airfilter , Grease and check Sidestand and Centre stand 


What’s done on an Annual Service ?